Category Archives: Provisional Waivers

When Inadmissibility Grounds for an Alien can be Waived
When Inadmissibility Grounds for an Alien can be Waived Grounds of inadmissibility are applied only to non-citizens who are seeking admission to the United States. The term admission refers to a non-citizen obtaining lawful entry into the United States after an immigration officer inspected him or her. A non-citizen is considered an applicant for… Read More »

Can I File for A Provisional Waiver (I-212 and I-601A) If I Have an Order?
For the past year, the Office of Chief Counsel has virtually instituted a blanket policy of refusing to join in motions to reopen, or if a case is already pending, refusing to consent to administrative closure so that the respondent can pursue a provisional waiver. In practical terms, this posture has critically impaired the… Read More »