Monthly Archives: December 2020

Consequences for False Claims to US Citizenship
Consequences for False Claims to US Citizenship An alien may be considered inadmissible or invalid because of a false claim to U.S. citizenship. A false claim includes; A false representation of being a U.S. citizen, and A false claim in order to get benefits that the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or any other federal… Read More »

Writ of Mandamus for Immigration Application Delays
Writ of Mandamus for Immigration Application Delays Recent changes to immigration law have only served to complicate and lengthen existing procedures, and the current backlog of cases has virtually eliminated the possibility of achieving immigration goals in a timely and efficient manner. Those applying for visas, permanent residence, and citizenship are waiting months and even years… Read More »

How to file for TPS
How to file for TPS (temporary protection status) Temporary protection status is granted by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (Secretary) to eligible foreign-born individuals who are unable to return home safely due to conditions or circumstances preventing their country from adequately handling the return. When can the Secretary designate a country… Read More »

Changes to the USCIS Civics Test for Naturalization Applicants
NEW changes to the USCIS Civics Test for Naturalization Applicants USCIS has revised the civics test for all naturalization applicants who apply after Dec. 1, 2020. Now, a USCIS officer will ask you to answer 20 (out of 128) civics questions. Previously, it had been 10 questions out of 100. You must answer at… Read More »

Considerations for Citizen and Non-Citizen Divorce
Considerations for Citizen and Non-Citizen Divorce Many non-citizens marry U.S. citizens, yet, non-citizens have the opportunity to obtain legal permeant residence in the United States though their U.S. citizen spouse. While the paperwork and documents are sent into the USCIS to process whether or not a non-citizen can obtain legal permanent residence, the couple… Read More »

What is the H-1B Cap-exempt? How is it Applied? How Does it Work?
What is the H-1B Cap-exempt? How is it Applied? How Does it Work? What is a Cap-Exempt H-1B? H1B cap-exemptions are for nonprofit that are affiliated with an institution of higher education. The H1B is a nonimmigrant visa that is given to foreign workers with special occupations. The H1B visa cap dedicated 65,000 petitions… Read More »

What happens if an asylee uses passport?
What happens if an asylee uses passport? Asylees can travel outside the United States with refugee travel documents. It is essential that the asylee not return to her home country until she has become a U.S. citizen and can travel with a U.S. passport. If the asylee does return to her home country, DHS… Read More »

Applying for a Green Card Through Your Employer
Applying for a Green Card Through Your Employer: employment-based permanent residence The employment-based permanent residence process is generally comprised of three phases: PERM Labor Certification: Recruitment and Prevailing Wage Determination I-140 Application for Immigrant Visa and Proof of Ability to Pay I-485 Adjustment of Status The PERM labor certification: The PERM labor certification includes… Read More »

Victims of Human Trafficking: T Nonimmigrant Status
Victims of Human Trafficking: T Nonimmigrant Status. What are the Benefits of T Visa? Green Card for a Victim of Trafficking (T Nonimmigrant) | USCIS T Visa T visa, also known as T nonimmigrant status, is a type of visa that allows victims of human trafficking and immediate family members to remain and work… Read More »

What are the Most Common Reasons for U-Visa Denials?
What are the Most Common Reasons for U-Visa Denials? Most Common Reasons for U-Visa Denials According to the latest USCIS study several reasons were found why a petition was denied, however, only a few occurred with such frequency that USCIS could develop an estimate of the occurrence relative to the population of denied petitions…. Read More »